Press Releases

Former President Michel delivers opening remarks at the 2024 Global Sustainable Islands Summit

Former President Michel delivers opening remarks at the 2024 Global Sustainable Islands Summit

The Global Sustainable Islands Summit, co-hosted by Island Innovation and the Government of Prince Edward Island, has official started with Former President Michel delivering his opening remarks by way of a video address, giving special attention to the interconnected oceans as the bond that unites island people, creating opportunities for them to help each other.

“For a start, it is a source of livelihoods. And its sheer power is never to be taken lightly. For those reasons alone it deserves respect. But it is not only what the sea can yield to sustain our lives on earth. Even more than that, this closeness nourishes our spiritual needs too. For island nations, land and sea are inseparable”.

That is why it matters deeply when we see this precious part of our planet abused for short-term gains, commented Mr. Michel.

The three days summit brings together policymakers, industry leaders, professionals, and researchers to discuss and explore innovative solutions and advancements in sustainable development. It provides a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration.

ABOUT GLOBAL SUSTAINABLE ISLANDS SUMMIT: The summit is organized by Island Innovation, a consultancy which seeks to drive sustainable development across islands worldwide. Its Founder, James Ellsmoor appears in Mr. Michel’s new book 'Revisiting the ocean: Living the blue economy'.


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