News Release
Seychelle’s James Michel Foundation and Singapore’s Tian Sian Shipping and Join the WOC - the International, Cross-Sectoral Leadership Alliance on Ocean Sustainable Development, Science and Stewardship
23 July 2018
The WOC is honored to announce its most recent new members - Tian Sian Shipping Ltd of Singapore, one of the largest harbour craft operators, and the James Michel Foundation, established by the Former President of the Seychelles.
Former President James A. Michelof the Republic of Seychelles stated: “I agree wholeheartedly with the WOC’s mission to foster Ocean Sustainable Development. Joining the WOC is the best and most efficient way to move this vision and mission forward to action through collaboration. I amhonoured to be a key speaker of the WOC Sustainable Ocean Summit in Hong Kong in November 2018, and I am very much looking forward to making my contribution to its success.”
Mark Ko, Tian Sian Shipping Executive Director, said: “Tian San Shipping Limited has been an integral part of the shipping scene in Singapore for over 40 years. Our services, focused on transportation and environment, reflect our engagement for a sustainable use of the ocean. Tian San Shipping is committed to innovation and we continually upgrade our fleet to keep abreast of the latest maritime regulatory requirements and technological advances. We have a strong focus on the environment ensuring that our vessels are catered for low emission levels and sewage capabilities. Joining the World Ocean Council is another way to commit to action on ocean sustainable development”.
WOC CEO, Paul Holthus, added: “It is with great pleasure that I welcome both organizations into the WOC community. We are honoured to work directly with Former President James Michel on ocean sustainable development in collaboration with his Foundation. We also look forward to building the interaction with Tian Sian in their leadership efforts, such a marine debris and plastics collection from nearshore marine waters.We encourage other companies and organizations who wish to engage in implementing ‘Corporate Ocean Responsibility’ leadership with like -minded peers to get involved in the WOC’s unique global ocean business leadership alliance”.