Press Releases

Former President Michel appointed as an Advisory Board Member by COSCU

Former President Michel appointed as an Advisory Board Member by COSCU

Pushing for further positive change and creating a brighter future for all, Former President Michel has accepted to be appointed as an Advisory Board Member at the Confederations of Schools, Colleges and Universities. 

Michel's passion for education and his role in democratizing Seychelles' education system, as well his dedication to promoting a sustainable and safe blue economy, has inspired COSCU to build a partnership with Michel by using the power of education to transform lives through a shared 'blue' future. 

"Mr. Michel's dedication to environmental conservation and the Blue Economy resonates deeply with COSCU's values. As a financial institution committed to sustainable development, we are inspired by Mr. Michel's initiatives, such as the Blue Bonds and marine spatial planning, which showcase innovative approaches to environmental preservation and economic growth", says COSCU. 

COSCU stands as a trailblazer in the education sector, distinguished by its unwavering commitment to driving transformative change and fostering innovation on a global scale. As the premier independent organization solely dedicated to advancing education, COSCU operates with a laser focus on catalyzing positive shifts and pioneering new approaches that elevate the standards and impact of education worldwide. 

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